Discover Fertility Massage For Conception In Singapore
Although massage methods have been around for centuries, few in Singapore have ever considered going for fertility massage to deal with their infertility issues. Largely due to the lack of awareness and the “taboo” connotation it brings.
However, as more successful cases of conceptions are emerging as a result of fertility massage services, more women are turning to this IVF complementary service to boost their fertility.
Our goal is therefore to help women in Singapore better understand their infertility issues and the options available to them.

How Babies Bliss Fertility Wellness’s Fertility Massage Helps Boost Your Fertility
A common “side effect” women experience when undergoing fertility treatment is the tremendous amount of stress, they put on themselves. And the problem with stress is, it causes a series of hormonal imbalances within the body. Not exactly the best conditions for conceiving.
That’s one of the reasons why abdominal and back massaging techniques becomes a natural solution as it not only helps boost fertility but also improves the immune system and overall wellness.
After all, improving a woman’s overall health is a key factor for boosting fertility.

Difference Between Fertility Massage And Womb Massage
Though we provide both fertility and womb massages, the two massage methods and benefits cover similar yet different areas of boosting a woman’s body and her fertility levels.
While fertility massage improves an individual’s fertility and overall wellness, womb massage focuses mainly on improving reproductive health. In other words, womb massage focuses more on helping females mitigate their menstrual problems such as reducing menstrual pain, regulating period cycles and fertility. It also helps increase circulation, remove toxic build up and breaks up scar tissues and adhesions similar to the benefits of fertility massage, which we will discuss more in detail next.
Benefits Of Fertility Massage
Perhaps the single most important aspect of what we do here helps stimulate better circulation to the uterus and cervix within the abdominal and pelvic bowl area.
Thereby improving egg health as the body is able to provide fresh circulation of oxygenated, nutrient-filled blood supplied to the eggs.
Another benefit is the breakdown of scar tissue and adhesion that helps cleanse the body of old blood and tissues while clearing any blocked fallopian tubes in the process. Likewise, massaging the ovaries and the liver allows for the strengthening of the hormonal feedback loop in which it helps maintain a balanced number of hormones produced within the body.
Finally, going through a stress-relief therapy like this also helps to reduce the level of stress which not only leads to a significant improvement in the fertility rate of an individual but also helps in boosting the chances of conceiving.

When Should You Get Started With Babies Bliss Fertility Wellness’s Fertility Massage
When should a female go for fertility massage as many have asked?
Fertility massage is highly recommended for women who have failed at numerous attempts at IUI/IVF or are preparing for IUI/IVF treatments or women who are diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or unexplained infertility.
We have had past cases of women succeeding in their IUI/IVF attempts after their massage sessions with us and a few even managed to naturally conceive right before their upcoming IVF treatment.
Even if you are not preparing for pregnancy or are suffering from hormonal imbalance or frequent menstrual cramps, this therapy will not only help to improve your overall well-being but also reduce your menstrual problems.
For mothers-to-be considering this natural and beneficial method of fertility treatment, this is the perfect solution that works hand-in-hand with IUI/IVF.
However, do take note that there is no guarantee of success as there are many other factors contributing to infertility in women.

We Are Here To Help You In Your Conception Journey
Stressful as it will be for women who struggle with infertility, fertility massage will greatly reduce the psychological stress during the entire process.
More importantly, it helps improve a woman’s health and fertility condition through realigning one’s uterus, improve circulation and in some cases, have helped to clear any blocked fallopian tubes.
To find out more about how we can be a part of your conception journey, do talk with our team of professionals who are here to guide you in this wonderful journey.
What Others Say
Dear reader,
Like you, my husband and I tried to conceive naturally but failed. Month after month I would try to see if I feel any different, if I feel pregnant. But alas pms symptoms which I mistook for pregnancy did not come true. The pee stick was always negative. This continued for three years and during this period we visited a private gynaecologist. Unfortunately the gynae didn’t manage to help us but further plunged us into sorrow with a wrong diagnosis for my husband.
In our fourth year of trying, we decided to visit another doctor and luckily the doctor helped to identify the wrong diagnosis. But the doctor also could not help us conceive naturally. So the doctor recommended IVF. Full of hope, we proceeded on with it only to fail at the first round. All the fertilized eggs died. Through the IVF, it was found out that both my husband and I had problems. My husband had low motility sperms and I had poor quality eggs. All seemed hopeless and we sank into another round of despair.
This all changed till I chanced upon Babies Bliss in my fifth year of trying through Miss Tam Chiak Instagram post and contacted Angelia from the company. During our first few sessions, Angelia gave me advise on what to eat. To my horror, I was indirectly causing myself not to conceive by eating food that would promote the womb to be cold. Angelia recommended me some simple food I can consider eating or cooking for myself. She also recommended fertility yoga poses that I diligently did everyday. To my surprise my menses improved alot. The blood circulation of the massage and the healthy and warm food that I was taking all removed my nasty pms symptoms. My period colour turned from dark red to bright red. My bowel movement also improved from four to five days to two to three days.
Finally this year (sixth year of trying), my husband and I went for another round of IVF after having massage from Babies Bliss for about 8 months. This time, we managed to get 5 fertilized blastocyst which were grade A and B. And I got pregnant in the first round of frozen transfer! This is all because of the good advise Angelia gave on what to eat and the good massage given from Vivian. Now I don’t know what I’ll do with the remaining four blastocyst. I only want two children but there is now a possibility of having four!
I highly recommend Babies Bliss. People often undermine the effectiveness of massage as it is not intrusive in the body. But blood circulation is a very important factor in maintaining a healthy body as it is the blood that brings the nutrients and oxygen to the body. In addition, a warm womb is also the key to promoting embryo growth. The service that Babies Bliss also provides is professional. They are always on time and they never miss a session. I really enjoy my time with Babies Bliss.
All the best dear reader. Remember, all is not lost. God bless.
Mr and Ms Emanuel
Hi Angelia,
Times flies. I just celebrated my daughter’s 1st birthday 2 days ago. It seems like only yesterday that I asked you if I should do a digital pregnancy test as I couldn’t believe that the normal test showed a positive.
A big thanks to you and your team for your magical hands. Both of you are a wealth of information on fertility diet, exercise, etc. I always look forward to your massages which helps me to relax.
Angelia, a special thank you for all your recommendations - TCM doc, gynae, pressure cooker and even maid agency and cleaning company!
After 6 years of TTC with multiple chemical pregnancies and failed IVFs, I am finally blessed with my baby girl and what I am grateful for is that it’s a natural pregnancy at the age of 45! You helped me saved 1 last round of costly IVF 😁
I really wish I had found you sooner. Perhaps I could have been blessed with 2 miracles!
Thank you and team once again.
Sze Sze
- Dear reader,
Like you, my husband and I tried to conceive naturally but failed. Month after month I would try to see if I feel any different, if I feel pregnant. But alas pms symptoms which I mistook for pregnancy did not come true. The pee stick was always negative. This continued for three years and during this period we visited a private gynaecologist. Unfortunately the gynae didn’t manage to help us but further plunged us into sorrow with a wrong diagnosis for my husband.
In our fourth year of trying, we decided to visit another doctor and luckily the doctor helped to identify the wrong diagnosis. But the doctor also could not help us conceive naturally. So the doctor recommended IVF. Full of hope, we proceeded on with it only to fail at the first round. All the fertilized eggs died. Through the IVF, it was found out that both my husband and I had problems. My husband had low motility sperms and I had poor quality eggs. All seemed hopeless and we sank into another round of despair.
This all changed till I chanced upon Babies Bliss in my fifth year of trying through Miss Tam Chiak Instagram post and contacted Angelia from the company. During our first few sessions, Angelia gave me advise on what to eat. To my horror, I was indirectly causing myself not to conceive by eating food that would promote the womb to be cold. Angelia recommended me some simple food I can consider eating or cooking for myself. She also recommended fertility yoga poses that I diligently did everyday. To my surprise my menses improved alot. The blood circulation of the massage and the healthy and warm food that I was taking all removed my nasty pms symptoms. My period colour turned from dark red to bright red. My bowel movement also improved from four to five days to two to three days.
Finally this year (sixth year of trying), my husband and I went for another round of IVF after having massage from Babies Bliss for about 8 months. This time, we managed to get 5 fertilized blastocyst which were grade A and B. And I got pregnant in the first round of frozen transfer! This is all because of the good advise Angelia gave on what to eat and the good massage given from Vivian. Now I don’t know what I’ll do with the remaining four blastocyst. I only want two children but there is now a possibility of having four!
I highly recommend Babies Bliss. People often undermine the effectiveness of massage as it is not intrusive in the body. But blood circulation is a very important factor in maintaining a healthy body as it is the blood that brings the nutrients and oxygen to the body. In addition, a warm womb is also the key to promoting embryo growth. The service that Babies Bliss also provides is professional. They are always on time and they never miss a session. I really enjoy my time with Babies Bliss.
All the best dear reader. Remember, all is not lost. God bless.
Mr and Ms Emanuel
Mr & Ms Emanuel
Have been with Angelia since 2018 after my first biochemical pregnancy from my first ivf. She helped me conceive my firstborn who was born in 2019 through my 2nd ivf attempt and subsequently I also engaged Babies Bliss when I was trying to conceive my #2 in 2021.
Angelia and Babies Bliss team were very encouraging throughout the difficult ivf journey and they were skilled and knowledgeable in their expertise. I could confide in Angelia in a lot of my concerns and having that support really helped my journey. We also successfully conceived my 2nd son who will be born in a few weeks time!
Thank you!
DC, Medical Professional
I want to take this opportunity to thank Angelia and her team. I was really grateful to get to know Angelia back in 2018 when I had my 3rd miscarriages (after 2 IUI, 3 IVF and 4 transfers).
At that point in time, my husband and I decided to put our IVF journey behind and just focus on what we wanted do and try natually, as we no longer feel happy, especially me.
So the main focus I engaged Angelia was to get my health back as priority. Needless to say, with her skills and her therapy oils, my menses duration/flow/pain showen great improvement (i have endometriosis), with that we continue to try natually. Angelia really knows our body conditions very well and lol no way you can bluff her.. haha..
Angelia always treated us like friend rather than client. She really goes extra miles and you can feel her sincerity. Despite her being how tired, she still will give her best to us.
In 2020, my hubby and I decided to go for a check again (since age is catching up) to see if everything is ok. In the end we decided to go with our 4th IVF cycle with a private cliniv (through Angelia’s recommendation) and having Angelia and team massages during the cycle.
We are very grateful and blessed for a successful 4th IVF cycle!
Sincerely to thank Angelia and her team for their dedication and skills! *thumbs up*
We had been trying for about 9 months when we engaged Angelia’s team. Googled fertility massage online and saw good reviews of her on forums so decided to give it a try. She gave us a lot of advice that we didn’t know about before, like what to eat and what to avoid (eg we had been eating a lot of fruits everyday but didn’t realise that it’s too cooling), what supplements to take, what exercises to avoid during certain parts of my cycle. I believe the acupressure massage and advice all contributed to our ability to conceive within 3 months of engaging her services! The massage itself is a bit painful :p but the advice is really invaluable. She is also very helpful and happy to answer my questions anytime, before and during pregnancy. I would highly recommend.
Read about Angelia and her miracle hands on some online forums and decided to give it a try. I am really thankful for Angelia and her indeed miracle hands that did wonders to improve my reproductive health! After 1 month of massage, I observed that the issue of heavy bleeding during menstrual cycle has been resolved. For the past 30 over years of my life that I had thought it is an issue that cannot be resolved, is now no longer bothering me. Even now that I have completed my package for about a month, my recent menstrual cycle is still so manageable! Am truly thankful for Angelia who always gave me reminders and personalised advises that helped me improve my dietary intake. The first package helped improved my reproductive health which I feel would get me ready for the real TTC! I am so excited to be renewing my package to truly start my TTC period now! Also, thank you to her awesome team of colleagues who are always so warm and prompt in responding! 🙂
Paulynn (more…)
Angelia and her optimistic nature helped my wife and i at ease during our consultation and sessions. Angelia is godsent for us during our stay in Singapore. She took time to get to know us and provided the most genuine and pragmatic feedback. Angelia gave us her honest opinion on reproductive specialist and obyga which worked out well for us and we succeeded! She is highly experienced and everything seemed to pan out as she predicted! Thank you Angelia and Babies Bliss team
Vic lee, Self Employed
After heard many reviews and recommendations to Babies Bliss. We decide to have a last try with Babies Bliss (despite many last tries with other service providers) and it was the best choice ever! I received more personalized attention, more intimate care and concern from Babies Bliss. They are committed and meticulous! and we can truly understand why the long wait (i waited for 3.5months!). Thank you Angelia & Babies Bliss for everything! You gave us the chance nobody else did! We are blessed with our Twins. I have already recommended Babies Bliss to several of my friends.
We are very fortunate to have Angelia to render her massage services. Angelia is indeed very experienced and kind, sharing all tips that could possibly help.
We cannot be more than grateful to her as we have been trying for years with many occasions of dismay. Now, after a few months of engaging her and following her tips, we are finally preggie! 😊
We are looking forward to our new journey, knowing that we are in good hands of Angelia.
Would definitely recommend her to any couples who are trying and looking to be in good hands!
Grateful and blessed.
Angeline Tan
I engaged Angelia for a fertility massage package and definitely felt that the massage sessions allowed me to better prepare myself for conceiving. I went through 2 unsuccessful IUIs and 1 unsuccessful IVF before I contacted Angelia. She started me on the massage sessions and gave me advice on how to improve my fertility health. I also had thyroid issues and had to stop my sessions for a while, which she was very understanding. Finally, just when I was about to go for my second IVF, I conceived naturally and am now 5 months pregnant.
Hi Angelia,
Thank you again for being part of my pregnancy journey and taking me in the very last minute 🙂
Below is my testimonial:
We thank God we are finally pregnant! It has been a long journey trying to conceive. In this IVF attempt, we decided to engage Angelia to do our fertility massage. Her massages made me feel very relaxed and comfortable which I’m sure contributed to our successful pregnancy! Angelia is very professional, punctual and encouraging throughout our sessions. Thank you, Angelia!! - ML
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for over 2 years. We even went for IUI and participated in multiple TCM treatment offered in the market and have spent thousands of dollars, only to be left heartbroken and disappointed (and also financial constrain). Both of us decide to take a break from another round of treatments to reconsider our decisions.
I continued to perform my search on Google to see if there's any other options available which i found that motherhood forum sharing about their infertility experiences. Some of the ladies was pregnant after trying the fertility massage with Babies Bliss - Fertility Wellness.
I was a bit sceptical about this but i decided to whats app Angelia to find out more about fertility massage. She dropped me a list to fill up (to know our condition) and explain on how this treatment works. I book an appointment and she came to my house for massage every week for 24 sessions.
At this timing, i am just hoping i could regulate my cycle a little and adjust my body easier to chart ovulation. Oh well, my period never showed up after sessions with her so i took a pregnancy test - POSITIVE #HAPPY and SHOCKED.
Long story short, i am now finally pregnant! My husband and i are so blessed, and we would like to thank Angelia from Babies Bliss for helping is out. I can't guarantee conceive from trying but i CAN tell that Angelia has helped dozens of women that are now planning to have children because of her treatment. Check out her facebook page Babies Bliss- fertility wellness!
I highly recommend fertility massage if a lady is struggling with irregular cycles and/or infertility. It's changed my life.
Thanks Babies Bliss
After 2 failed IUI and 1 failed IVF, I started the fertility massage with Angelia. I always had really bad headache and cramps during my menstrual cycle, but to my surprise, 1st month after the massage, my headache is gone and cramps is much milder, 3 months after the massage, I fall pregnant naturally! I hoped that I had found Angelia much earlier, definitely love the massage and Thank You!!!
What Causes Infertility In Women?
There are numerous reasons that a woman might be experiencing difficulties in conceiving. These could be congenital or infertility in women due to different risk factors.
Getting pregnant is a process requiring the use of multiple systems and organs within our bodies. If there’s even damage to any of them, it could lead to infertility. The uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and cervix are the part of most vital pieces in this process. Conditions with the fallopian tubes and endometriosis are among the most common reasons for infertility. Ovulation conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, together with cervical and uterine abnormalities could make it hard for them to conceive successfully.
Trying To Conceive – How Can You Effectively Get Pregnant?
Some experts suggest following and monitoring your cycle continuously. Others advise consuming foods has been proven to boost fertility. Yet, these techniques could only do so little. Some choose artificial insemination, medical intervention, and in vitro fertilization. You have likely conducted your research already, and you know that these procedures could be invasive and expensive. They might not be suitable for your current situation risk factors.
Getting pregnant is a process requiring the use of multiple systems and organs within our bodies. If there’s even damage to any of them, it could lead to infertility. The uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and cervix are the part of most vital pieces in this process. Conditions with the fallopian tubes and endometriosis are among the most common reasons for infertility. Ovulation conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, together with cervical and uterine abnormalities could make it hard for them to conceive successfully.
What is Fertility Massage?
Fertility massage is a deep, but non-invasive and gentle treatment that works by removing pressure and strengthening the surrounding muscle and tissues.
It’s a kind of massage that aims to improve the health and fertility of your reproductive organs. It’s an all-natural method with benefits that leads to improved reproductive health, menstrual cycle, and abdominal health.
How Can a Fertility Specialist Help You Conceive?
Fertility massage is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment that could boost fertility and improve a woman’s overall wellbeing. This method is done by a fertility specialist and it promotes relaxation and reduces pelvic adhesions, abdominal scarring, or tubal obstruction, and improves the reproductive
organ’s function.
Will a Fertility Specialist Guide Me through the Fertility Treatment Process?
Your fertility specialist may put up a treatment plan when all of the tests are finished, and you receive a diagnosis—a cause for your infertility.
Even if the tests were inconclusive and there is no obvious cause for your inability to conceive, treatment is still very much accessible. Expect to have a variety of alternatives, including lifestyle changes, fertility medicines, surgical treatments, fertility massage, and even in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Can Fertility Massage Help Me Get Pregnant?
Fertility massage plays a very crucial role in releasing stress. Numerous studies have found a relationship between stress and low fertility. Stress, for example, can disrupt the hormonal system, postponing ovulation or prohibiting the fertilized egg from implanting. You can boost your chances of pregnancy and staying pregnant by decreasing your stress levels with a fertility massage.
Who Would Benefit Most from a Fertility Massage?
Fertility massage is good for women who are attempting to conceive naturally or who are having IVF or artificial insemination (IUI). Fertility massage, particularly when paired with acupuncture, prepares your body to establish a state of wellbeing in which supported reproductive techniques can be beneficial. It also aids in the elimination of toxins that have been collected in the body as a result of medications.
What Physical Advantages Can Prenatal Massage Provide?
Improved blood circulation and flow are among the most well-known advantages of frequent massage treatment. In terms of fertility, it may assist to enhance hormonal balance by boosting blood flow to regions that transport hormones, which can considerably increase the odds of conceiving. Fertility massage may also assist to relieve congestion, like stagnant blood or tissue, and cleanse the body of excess estrogen.
If you have had a hard time conceiving, try having a fertility massage. They are non-invasive and could be helpful in your journey towards pregnancy.
Can a Fertility Massage Also Help with Detoxification?
The lymphatic system stimulation that is provided by fertility massage is beneficial for the removal of toxins. This system removes excess fluid from the body, detoxifies the tissues by filtering out toxins, and boosts the immune system all at the same time. Toxins can build up and affect cellular function, which in turn can have an effect on your capacity to conceive a child if lymph circulation gets slower than it should.
Why Should You Choose Pregnancy Massage Over Regular Massage?
The abdominal cavity’s internal organs are the main focus of a pregnancy massage, which also adjusts the pelvis and assists in promoting circulation in the sacral and pelvic regions. Additionally, it improves the function of the stomach and digestive system, strengthening the immune system. Frequent fertility massage can be very helpful to those who will undergo IVF treatment.
Is Pregnancy Massage Recommended Postpartum?
Every woman should have a fertility massage postpartum as it is a very effective therapy that will assist the womb and ligaments to realign to their proper positions.
When Should You Get a Fertility Massage?
Begin a fertility massage plan 90 days before any fertility procedure, such as IVF or IUI, and go to at least one session each month, along with self-care practices at home to get the best results.
Is Prenatal Massage for Me?
Experts advise adopting a comprehensive strategy. A fertility massage could be combined with a healthy lifestyle. Fertility massages are a cost-effective and easily accessible method of boosting fertility.
How Does a Prenatal Massage Prove to be Beneficial?
Fertility massages offer a lot of advantages. Its effectiveness is based on its capacity to restore your reproductive health. A prenatal massage strengthens the lymphatic and circulatory systems while mobilizing the reproductive organs and reducing adhesions and scar tissue. Massage has been shown to decrease anxiety and stress, lower cortisol levels, and increase dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin levels, all of which enhance your general wellbeing and make it easier to conceive.
What Should You Keep in Mind If You’re Trying to Conceive?
If you are trying to conceive, consider a fertility massage. This non-invasive and relaxing procedure can help address many of the issues related to your fertility journey. However, it is important to note that infertile couples might need more than just a fertility massage in order to achieve their goals. Be sure to discuss all of your options with your fertility specialist before starting any treatment plan. Whether you choose a fertility massage, acupuncture, or another treatment option, remember that having patience and adopting a healthy lifestyle could be key in achieving pregnancy.
How Can This Fertility Treatment Increase You Chances of a Successful Conception?
Fertility massage relaxes pelvic muscles and enhances oxygen circulation to the ovaries. You may have read that smoking harms the quality of your eggs. It is because cigarette smoke depletes the oxygen supply to your eggs.
This fertility treatment increases circulation to the pelvic muscles and ovaries by making it easier for blood to reach there. This blood supplies your ovaries with lots of oxygen and nourishment.
Hormonal health is crucial for creating healthy eggs. Because fertility massage relieves hormonal imbalances, your eggs have a better chance of mixing with sperm.
Why Do Many Patients Choose Prenatal Massage Over Other Fertility Treatments?
Fertility Massage is an external, non-surgical massage method that focuses on the abdomen and other parts of the body that require special care in relation to women’s fertility and health. Internal gastrointestinal organs are guided into the right alignment for optimal health and well-being. By removing physical and mental congestion from the belly, this massage promotes organ function.