Dear Angelia and Felicia,
Just dropping a note to share with you some positive results after just a month of treatment! I came to Babies Bliss a month ago worrying about many things including previous month’s negative ovulation test (probably did not ovulate), pain in my left abdomen and poor blood flow during menses.
I am so happy to see many improvements! My current menses cycle seems much better. Menses blood flow was better (brighter red) and the ovulation test kit was positive for 2 days! And the pain at my left abdomen that I had for many months previously is gone!
I’m really happy with the positive results I have so far and hope I will eventually able to conceive naturally after 9yrs of TTC!
And I really appreciate that both of you are always super friendly and make me feel comfortable at every session. In fact, I really enjoyed the sessions especially the massage! Thank you also to Angelia for your knowledge and taking time to talk to me after the sessions.
Thank you ladies!